Camping Tips & Tricks
Published by Sarah Racheter-Loftin · 26 August 2022
Camping Tips & Tricks
First, let me preface this by saying I have made all of the mistakes that I thought possible but I still manage to surprise myself.
Tip #1 - Make a List
Yea, I know - obvious right? Start writing your To Do List and To Pack List EARLY. Keep it handy so you can quickly add or edit items as you think of them. Include the stupid obvious items. Maybe you know to pack your saddle, but make sure the cinch for the horse you are taking is connected to it or in the trailer. Have you ever forgotten your pad because you took it out to clean it or needed to do a repair on your bridle and left them at home? I have.
So, making a list is one of the most obvious points but let's take it a step further. Visualize yourself getting to camp and unloading. Go through each step you plan to take and write everything down that you need. Do you need the manure fork to clean out your trailer? Do you need shavings for the stall you are renting? Do you plan to use a picket line and if so, do you have everything needed for the picket line including extras in case the span is too long? When you saddle up, do you have everything needed for your ride and after?
This section could be pages and pages long but I have found by going through these steps, the only items that get forgotten anymore are luxury or comfy items that I can easily do without.
Tip #2 - See what is available
Many of the horse camps I have stayed at have water hydrants everywhere. Some older campgrounds do not. It is best to check with the campground to see what you need to bring. Some may suggest a certain length of water hose depending on the site you reserved. So far, all of the facilities I have stayed at required your own water bucket, feed buckets, and hay bags (you would want to provide your own due to bacteria and disease anyway).
If you are renting a site with electric hook ups, make sure you have the correct cord or adapter for your trailer! I recently stayed at a site and because my trailer door is on the driver side and because I needed to point the trailer a different direction than most, my cord was almost too short!
If you forgot something that you needed, politely ask the campground host if they have something you can borrow. Don't assume they will, and you still may be out of luck, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
Have you ever forgotten your coggins or health papers? (Are you seeing a theme here?) Are you part of a group or club that has membership cards? Do you know what your truck license plate number is? Is it likely you might forget one or all of these when you go to check in? Take photos of these items before, weeks before, you leave.
Sarah Racheter-Loftin